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Solid Business Advice

My Story

Kim Williams & Associates specialize in business coaching for financial advisors, sales managers and project managers across Canada, the US and the UK. Kim works with advisors that are ready for transformation. Those advisors who want to take bold steps to grow their business and to break down the barriers that have been holding them back. We help advisors to make big decisions and we partner with them to create a new vision for their business.

Those advisors who want to take bold steps to grow their business and to break down the barriers that have been holding them back. We help advisors to make big decisions and we partner with them to create a new vision.

Business Coaching

Coaching starts by declaring a powerful future. Let me help you realize your goals and achieve greater success.

Career Analysis

Kim is a trusted and respected fellow business professional that will challenge, motivate, mentor, and above all inspire.

Public Speaking

Coaching is the process of working with a collaborative partner in a comfortable, empathetic, and supported environment.


"Kim has helped me achieve personal and business growth significantly in both arenas. I highly recommend working with her."
Olivia Smith
Coaching Client
"Kim helped me prioritize goals that can help me reach my potential. Her coaching services are well worth the time and investment."
John Williams
Coaching Client
"Kim's services as a business coach have been invaluable in helping me to understand how to better approach my work and personal life."
Liz James
Coaching Client
Let me help you realize your business goals and find success!

Success Stories

Improving Time Management

Interdum et malesuada

Achieving Goals

Ut dapibus mi a dolor

Career Advancements

Aliquam nom diam

Increased Self Confidence

Maecenas maximus vulputate

Strengthened Communication

Etiam gravida sapien

Overcoming Fears

Mauris aliquet sapien mi

"Working with Kim has been the single most beneficial decision of my career. Her positive impact on my success in business cannot be overstated."
Sandra Johnson
Coaching Client


  • Skype coaching
  • Access to resources
  • Monthly workshops
  • Great for young professionals
  • Skype coaching
  • Phone coaching
  • In person coaching
  • Access to resources
  • Monthly workshops
  • Phone coaching
  • In person coaching
  • Multiple sessions
  • Premium resources
  • Monthly workshops
  • Mentorship program

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March 2025
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Schedule a Consultation

I would love to connect with you and discuss how we can work today. Fusce consectetur facilisis velit. Nullam egestas, lacus vitae pellentesque aliquam, mi elit dignissim orci, id convallis mauris. Set up a time to meet and let’s talk!

Get in Touch

Free Consultation

A complimentary meeting provides the opportunity to discuss your goals, and see how we can work together.

Flexible Schedule

I understand how busy life can be so I’m happy to work together to fit within your schedule.

Fully Confidential

Your privacy is very important to us therefore a confidentiality agreement is always signed at the outset.