
Latest release
Required Plugins
  • Elementor 3.6.6
  • Page Builder Widget Pack 2.2.9
  • Kirki 3.1.9
  • Simple Page Ordering 2.7.3
  • OptionTree 2.7.3
Optional Plugins
  • Envato Market 2.0.9
  • Formidable Forms 6.19
  • Master Slider 3.7.7
  • Widget Logic 6.0.5
  • WooCommerce 9.7.1
  • Groovy Menu 2.6.3
  • Slider Revolution 6.5.8


IMPROVED - Support for Elementor 3.26+ UPDATED - Plugin update checker script


FIXED - Compatibility issue with the theme's Global Templates feature in Elementor 3.24+ FIXED - Issue related to Elementor data update prompt after theme setup is completed


REMOVED - Widget Logic plugin no longer needed or relevant


FIXED - Issue with custom font styling in certain Elementor widgets: Accordion, Tabs, Toggle FIXED - Issue where H1 tag may still be present in source when page title hidden


FIXED Appearance of password form on password protected posts IMPROVED Import to address potential issue with keywords flagging false positive on certain hosts


FIXED - Issue where text editor widget content may not style correctly if optional Elementor DOM setting is enabled ENHANCED - Transparent header support for Visual Library


IMPROVED - Dashboard to include new section for Visual Library, and links to Help/Support


FIXED - Mislabeled Header & Footer customizer menu item


ADDED - Support for custom Post Single templates including Woo and CPTs IMPROVED - Header/Footer area now labelled as Global Templates


ADDED Support for new Kirki 4.0 REMOVED Outdated Smooth Scroll feature


IMPROVED - WooCommerce styling for Product, Checkout, My Account page FIXED - Bug where Elementor lightbox was partly hidden behind theme header FIXED - Bug with Envato setup path affecting some AWS users


ADDED - Support for WordPress 5.8


ADDED - WPML support for HFE Custom Post Type FIXED - Theme Activation issue where installer relaunches on child theme FIXED - Issue where Elementor Pro nav would inherit styles from default theme header FIXED - Issue where custom SVG icons appeared with incorrect size and color in icon widgets FIXED - Issue with HFE where transparent header can exceed page width on mobile FIXED - Issue where HFE menu would inherit th-accent style from default header menu IMPROVED - Stying for gallery widget in sidebar and footer IMPROVED - Appearance of Formidable form fields placeholder text in Firefox


FIXED - Customizer hide settings reset on save bug ENHANCED - HFE - Added admin notice to help users setup HFE IMPROVED - Appearance of Theme Setup in WP 5.7 IMPROVED - Appearance of menu links when default header options are hidden


ADDED New Elementor Header Footer Builder IMPROVED Customizer options for new feature support and clarity


ADDED - New Visual Library feature for importing all demo pages FIXED - Polylang translation for search URL not working


FIXED - Deprecated jQuery Code IMPROVED - Better support for new Page Builder Widget Pack update v1.5.14 ENHANCED - Better theme activation notifications


ADDED New license activation feature FIXED Issue where custom color didn't appear in menu hover in some cases FIXED Missing translation for "Tags:" string FIXED Issue where custom menu color wasn't taking effect in some cases FIXED Issue where blog sections overlap on mobile if no posts are present FIXED Issue where same-page theme buttons showed incorrect styling on focus state


ADDED New Cyber Security homepage FIXED main.js version to clear caching


FIXED JS errors in WP 5.5 (Removal of jQuery Migrate 1.x) FIXED Installer Ajax error caused by Groovy Menu activation redirect ENHANCED Added Theme Support for Site Logo ADDED support for Elementor Header Footer Plugin ENHANCED Moved optional plugins to Customizer


IMPROVED Support for ePro nav menu widget


FIXED Issue where navigation hover effect appeared janky in Chrome browser


UPDATED - New version including SEO homepage FIXED - Provide support for plugin custom post types


ADDED 3 sets of four new inner pages: Light, Dark, Monochrome FIXED Issue where dropdown menus may extend beyond the menu borders


ADDED New Biotech homepage ADDED Support for latest WooCommerce version FIXED Updated WooCommerce cart.php templates to version 3.8.0 FIXED WooCommerce coupon remove bug IMPROVED WooCommerce styling for Single, Cart, Checkout


ADDED 4 new modern inner pages: About, Pricing, Contact, Careers


FIXED - Move Editor Scripts to Editor file vs Frontend FIXED - Updated scripts to use new Elementor Editor $e since 2.7 FIXED - Page / Document Settings preview reload. FIXED - Broken Hide Header option inside Elementor Preview IMPROVED - Elementor / OptionTree Custom Field Sync. IMPROVED - Cleaned up JS console output. IMPROVED - Appearance of transparent header in Elementor editor to show correct spacing UPDATED - Plugin auto update and repo download links. Supporting SSL.


IMPROVED Various style improvements FIXED Enable Automatic Post excerpt bug FIXED Chrome 56 preventDefault inside passive event listener JS console error (Smooth Scroll)


UPDATED - Plugin update checker library


IMPROVED - Allow support for JetMenu and others. Bypassing our roots bootstrap menu walker and filters. This allows for better 3rd party compatibility for menu tools like JetMenu and Groovy.

FIX - remove roots_clean_style_tag filter preventing Elementor from loading.

UPDATED - Plugin Repo Links. Now supporting global redirect.

Check out Stratus and the live page builder.