Background Patterns
Background Images

Audio and Video

Video Embeds

Example: I have an old post that has a video in the Media Library attached to it, and I want to use the new shortcode:

Example: I have the URL for a video, from the Media Library or external, that I want to play:
[video src="video-source.mp4"]

Example: I have a source URL and fallbacks for other HTML5-supported filetypes:
[video width="600" height="480" mp4="source.mp4" ogv="source.ogv" webm="source.webm"]

Audio Embeds

Example: I have an old post that has an audio file in the Media Library attached to it, and I want to use the new shortcode:

Example: I have the URL for an MP3, from the Media Library or external, that I want to play:
[audio src="audio-source.mp3"]

Example: I have a source URL and fallbacks for other HTML5-supported filetypes:
[audio mp3="source.mp3" ogg="source.ogg" wav="source.wav"]